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How your far & free Collective "likes" lead to community love

To everyone who wears far & free sunglasses, subscribes to our emails, or follows us on Instagram or Facebook, you are a part of our far & free Collective. Your follows and “likes” spotlight us as a growing local brand, and your purchases allow far & free to donate to some wonderful BC non-profit organizations.


Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland

Brielle from essentials eco and I were both vendors at an IMADE pop up market this past summer where I learned of her passion for Big Sisters, a youth mentoring organization. Brielle spoke highly of their volunteer mentors and how important it was to keep that avenue open and accessible for young girls growing up in our community. My personal experiences with mentors over the years have been invaluable, and when the opportunity came up to donate a pair of far & free sunglasses to Big Sisters’ Luminary Award Soiree’s silent auction in October, I was delighted!



Helping our community also means offering support for the workers and volunteers who are in a position to provide compassion and care for many other walks of life. For the second year in a row, far & free was among many wonderful donors that contributed products to the silent auction at SPCA’s Offleashed Gala on October 15th. This year’s gala was a celebration of the joy that animals bring into our lives, and all funds raised from that event will be put towards their lifesaving work across BC.

BC SPCA Offleashed Gala far and free sunglass package  BC SPCA Offleashed Gala far and free sunglass package winner


Dan’s Legacy

My good friend and our fellow far & free Collective member, Amy introduced me to Dan’s Legacy in 2016. This Metro Vancouver foundation provides trauma-informed and culturally sensitive counselling and life-skills programs to youth at risk in our community. This Saturday, November 5th will mark their 9th annual Chef’s Charity Dinner that will feature a signature menu by talented local chefs using only recovered food that would’ve otherwise gone to waste. This is the second year that far & free will be providing a sunglass package to their silent auction. All funds raised will go towards support services benefiting just over 600 youth!


Thank you to Brielle and Amy for sharing what you see and care about in our local community. If it matters to you, far & free Collective then it matters to me. Let's continue to make our community stronger, together.



Michelle Lane